Pop Sugar: Your Core Will Quake After This 15-Minute Pilates Ab Workout — No Equipment Needed!


Pop Sugar recently featured my 15-Minute Pilates Ab Workout where I take you through 13 classical Pilates Mat exercises that will help you strengthen and tone your core!

Pilates works the abdominal area on both a deep and superficial level to achieve true core strength, as all the movements engage a wide range of muscles from your deep internal transverse abdominis to the rectus abdominis.

Joseph Pilates defined his work as a way to thoroughly unify, and elevate, the body, mind, and spirit. Just about every benefit this method has to offer can be achieved through mat work: toning, flexibility, proper posture, efficient movement, and the body-mind-spirit connection. 

It’s an exceptional workout that provides the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. And of course, Pilates mat work is the Alpha and Omega of core workouts.

Pilates recognizes the fusion of the mind and body based on the reawakening of dormant muscle and brain cells. The key to a deeper mind-body connection is found in the six core principles on which Pilates exercises are based: centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow.

Due to its low-impact nature, Pilates is accessible to everyone across all walks of life. This mat workout can be done anywhere - no equipment needed! All you need is your mat or simply a carpeted floor. 

Click here for the full 15-minute workout.

ArticlesJessica Schatz